Selectors in CSS

Universal Selector

It is used to apply CSS on entire page

        background-color: aqua;
        color: brown;


Individual Selector

It is used to apply CSS on individual elements oh HTML body

        background-color: aqua;
        color: brown;


class and ID Selector

it is used to apply css on specific classes and ID. you can use no of classes but should have to use unique to apply CSS.

        background-color: aqua;
        color: brown;

        background-color: deeppink;

And Selector

It is used to apply CSS on multiple classes or ID <style>

if you select checked it will get applied on check classess

if you select checked featured then it get applied only on checked featured classes

            background-color: aqua;
            color: blue;
            color: chartreuse;

Combined selector

it is user to apply CSS on no of element at once

    span,li {
    color: red;

Inside an element selector

CSS direct child selector

Before pseudo selector and after pseudo selector